Okestra.care does not have any special subscription type, the platform is free for both Care Seekers and Caregiver.

There are two ways to search for jobs on Okestra.care. Firstly, You can search for jobs without logging into your account by clicking on "Find A Job" from the homepage and using the different criterias to filter the result. The other option is when the Caregiver is logged into their account, Click on "Jobs" then select "Find A Job". 

To apply for jobs, Caregivers need to be logged into their account, Click on "Jobs", select "Find a Job", apply criterias to filter, select the job they are interested in and Click on the "Apply For Job" button.

At Okestra.care, we recommend that all users should have a 100% profile complete rate to maximize the opportunities on the platform. For Caregivers, to increase the chances of getting hired, we recommend that you have your background check done.