There is no official known reason why this day was created but we have a feeling it has to relate to gifts and goodwill received in the previous year.
Let's take a moment to recognize family and friends for their gifts, hospitality, and generosity by sending handwritten notes to them.
Tips ON Writing A Thank You Note
1. Begin a thank you note by acknowledging the specific gift and how thoughtful it was. If the gift was delivered then assure the sender it arrived safely and how much you enjoy it.
2. If the giver presented the gift personally, mention something you remember from the visit. Then thank them for the perfect gift they took the time to bring by describing it and how ideal it is for you.
3. Close your thank you by stating how kind the giver was for remembering you.
Why We Love National Thank You Note Day
1.They are handwritten: In a time when technology drives our daily lives, it is nice to put down our computers, grab a pen and paper, and write a personalized thank you.
2.They make us feel special: Whether you are on the receiving end or the one writing them, thank you notes are a unique way of saying thanks to someone for something that they have done - whether it was a gift received, an uplifting conversation, or simply being who they are. Thank you notes make everyone feel loved.
3. It allows us to practice our penmanship: Texts, emails, and emojis have the same design and lack the personal touch that is embodied in our unique handwriting. Writing thank-you notes provide an opportunity to practice our cursive, which will improve over time. says a very big thank you with lots of love!